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HIPAA Compliance Training


This training assures healthcare professionals and organizations are compliant with the standards of the law. We provide them with the required knowledge and skills to ensure patient information is handled securely and kept confidential. This training can touch on the following: Privacy and Security, patient rights and responsibilities, Handing and use of PHI (Protected Health Information), and finally, breach notification procedures.



OSHA Compliance Training


We provide compliance training on various topics such as hazardous communications, handling dangerous chemicals, disposing of hazardous materials, PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), and Emergency preparedness. Training employees on the various hazards they may encounter in the workplace while working in healthcare.



Book a training session


“They made learning fun. Everything was point by point, and was able to learn and comprehend what should be done to help spare an actual existence and save a life.” Wanda J


“The staff at AED Health Consulting  is very proficient and made it practical and advantageous to finish the entirety of my required training. The training was magnificent and is excellent for anyone looking to comply with the American Heart Association requirements.  Billy K


What a great class. It was quick-paced yet very detailed. L definitely left certified and highly confident about saving a life if I was ever given the opportunity to use the skills I learned. AED Health Consulting was first-class and very thorough. Jacobie S


Address: 3009 Rainbow Dr. Suite 140-800 Decatur, GA 30034

Phone: Local Number:  770-400-0178

Toll-Free Number: 833-807-2112

Fax Number: 770-400-0878

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